Monday, January 31, 2011

watch: the lonely island and nicki minaj do the creep

YES! The Lonely Island guys have struck again! This time with help from Nicki Minaj.

I think this is one of my faves. AND they have a dance to go along with it... AKA it's gold.

Get your arms T-rexin' and do the Creep.

Perfection. As usual. Can't wait for their full album, it's going to be epic.


listen: britney/nsync mash-up

If you're like me, you've been praying for Britney/JT to just get back together. Or at the very least, NSYNC get back together, and go on tour with Britney. IS IT REALLY TOO MUCH TO ASK FOR?!

Unfortunately, I think this is about as close as we're going to get, but it's still epic.

DJ Magic Baron put together this It's Gonna Be Me/Hold It Against Me mash-up and I've already listened to it a good 10 times.

Day= made. Dreams= still need to come true.


watch: super scandalous peta super bowl ad

I should warn you that even though no goodies are exposed in this video, it's probably not something you should be watching at work if people will see it.

Plus... you just might pop something up while watching, and that's always awkward with others around.

PETA is known for their controversial ads they try to get aired during the Super Bowl, and normally they lose the battle. Something tells me they'll be losing again this year.

They took outtakes from one of their previous casting calls to prove why vegetarians are better at sex.

Thank goodness the guy comes in for a little comedic relief! That's some serious veggie-time.


watch: what's an internet? on the today show in '94

This is crazy. I swear 1994 wasn't THAT much different than the world we live in... or was it?

This is a clip from The Today Show in 1994... when they had no freakin' idea what the "@" was... and "Internet" was a foreign word.

Incredible. We really do come a long way in a pretty short amount of time.


Friday, January 28, 2011

friday morning hangover 012811

Happy Friday! And Happy Have Fun at Work Day! [Yes, real, declared holiday! WOOP!]

Here's some ways to have fun [I have lots again thanks to the whole computer FAIL I've dealt with this week]:

WOO BOY! That's a lot! Enjoy your Friday!


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

hollywood minute 012611


speidi debuts two new songs for us.. yay....

Oh it must be the world's lucky day! Speidi is giving us not one, but TWO songs to listen to today!

Apparently Heidi Montag wasn't done with music after her "album" did worse than flop. As for Spencer- he's the next big white rapper, didn't ya know? He recorded this song about chicken a year ago and didn't like it, but now it's "okay."

Oh, God help us.


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

tunes on tuesday 012511

Happy Tuesday! I'm sorry I missed it last week, but you won't miss any music! I'll include both weeks' new music!

Big Time Rush ft. Snoop Dogg--> Boyfriend

OMG it's SERIOUSLY the revival of the boy bands! These four guys are totally cute and have the right sound, and with a little help from Snoop, they could blast to the top. Apparently they're from Nickelodeon. That's cute.

Ashlyne Huff--> White Flag

Girly-pop, my favorite! The beat is good, she seems cute, the lyrics are cool, and I dig it.

The Script- For the First Time

I really like The Script. They performed this on Ellen and it was fantastic. It's pretty, it's chill, the lyrics are good... Yep. Get it.

Chris Brown--> No Bullshit

HOTT song. Chris Brown wasn't shut down by the Chrihanna scandal. Maybe in the pop world, but this R&B song is fantastic. It screams Chris Brown and I like that. Plus, I would definitely not complain if someone sang this to me. Just sayin'.

Juke Kartel--> If Only

Another cool, chill, pretty song with good lyrics. Love.

Travie McCoy--> We'll Be Alright

Even though he made fun of me, I like Travie's songs. They're catchy and fun. I would think he'd do a lot less "fixing" to his songs, though. Most of this song seems fake and like he's lip syncing to someone else's song.

Far East Movement & Roger Sanchez ft. Kanobby--> 2Gether

Wanna dance? Wanna fist pump? Far East Movement knows how to make you do that with this song with awesome sampling from "Love Shack."

Jamie Foxx ft. Drake--> Fall For Your Type

I expected this to be a little faster... It's not a BAD song, but I don't love it. Maybe they can get a remix or something in... "Ignition" style.

Lloyd--> Lay It Down

Lloyd's weirdly sexy voice; Mmm mm MM. It had me swaying and dancing at first listen- that's a good thing.

Reba McEntire--> If I Were a Boy

Yes, this is a remake of Beyonce's song. It's an interesting country take on the song and I'm down for it.

David Nail--> Let It Rain

He's got a lot of break-up songs. I LOVED "Red Light," but this one might be even better.

Darius Rucker--> Anything's Possible

Have I mentioned how AWESOME his album is? Pretty sure this isn't on it, unless I'm having a blank moment, but it's just as good as anything he does. Another good, new single from him and his last CD- "This."

Also: Local singer Sam Houston [who was also featured in my Christmas parody] did this cover of a Jake Coco song called "If I Were An Artist." It's beautiful!

WHEW. Okay. LOTS of good music these past couple weeks! Enjoy!


hollywood minute 012511


the united states of shame

Let's call this the random post of the day.

Someone found out what each of the 50 states is known for being the worst in the country at, and made a map of it and called it "The United States of Shame."

Luckily all the states I represent are known for things I've already defeated or don't apply to me. *phew*

Do you fit the stereotype of your state?!


nifty: the booze shotgun

At this point, I've shown you a good amount of fun alcohol toys.. but obviously there's still plenty more out there.

Today I just have to present to you the Booze Shotgun.

It's a gun that's okay to shoot into your mouth. In fact, I recommend doing it lots of times. Yes, it could be lethal in the end, but only if you're not careful. [Woah. That sounds bad. GUNS ARE BAD KIDS! JUST NOT THIS ONE!]

It holds about an ounce of cherry vodka [or whatever lame liquor you like] in it, and when you shoot, the alcohol comes rushing out, straight for the back of your throat.

So basically, a quick shot, as little taste as possible, and you look cool doing it. Win, win, win!

It's $20 on this site, or eBay had some for cheaper. It seems like a deal to me! You'll be the life of the party! ...Just watch out for the Herp.


Monday, January 24, 2011

hollywood minute 012411


watch: awkward shake weighting around the gym

I don't even know how to title such a post... this is a pretty epic video. And by video, I mean YouTube channel. In fact, maybe I should start doing features on people's YouTube channels.. Hmmm..

ANYWAY. I found this video of this guy, Steve Kardynal, shaking a Shake Weight around his gym and making everyone around him feel hella awkward [as you can imagine].

I can't tell if it's 100% staged or not, but even if it is, it's flipping hilarious. ANYTHING Shake Weight is hilarious, obvi. And his outfit?! That's what made me check out what other ballsy [no pun intended] things he's done.

Also epic: Dressing up in a dress, walking into the Apple Store, and doing an entire video to Katy Perry's "Firework."

And, just when you thought he couldn't make others feel any more awkward, he pretends to be a girl on Chatroulette. [Don't worry, there's nothing too inappropriate.]

This guy is my new YouTube hero. For serious. He's got a variety of videos [those are just a few] and he's constantly making people uncomfortable. That's my favorite.


anderson cooper in the 90s

There's really no point in posting this picture besides looking at a hottie back in the day.

Ladies and gents, I present to you Anderson Cooper, in the best decade ever- the 90s.

Oh HEYY white pants and Timbs. And deezang check out that lightly greyed hair... You studly boy, you.


watch: narrating sex

Sometimes people like to talk a little too much during sex...

Why do Beths always have to be portrayed as annoying and/or crazy/bitchy?! Hmph.

That's flipping hilarious, though. We all know those people exist.


update: nfl logos get tragic makeover

A couple weeks ago I showed you the NFL t-shirts that gave the logos a tragic [and hilarious] makeover.

Lucky for us, we have more to choose from!

Thank you, Jon Defreest, for making these epic shirts... And more importantly- putting the Redskins' arrows through the Dallas star. I need one of those.

Also a win: The Colts' and the Giants'. Bahaha.

I'll keep em comin' as they're premiered!


Friday, January 21, 2011

hollywood minute 012111


watch: brett favre spoof- what should i do?!

Rememeber Lebron's epic Nike commercial asking people what he should do?!

Someone did a remake of it, with a touch of Brett Favre... and it's HILARIOUS.

Retire? Not retire? Send pics of his dingaling?! WHAT SHOULD HE DO?!

SO good. I love Brett Favre but he's definitely made a mockery of himself in the past few years. It's pretty sad.


friday morning hangover 012111

Good morning, everyone! HAPPY FRIDAY!

If you haven't seen the latest EB IRL post, I need your help! Please read, vote, etc!


That is all for today! TTFN!


Thursday, January 20, 2011

watch: ellen does more pranks with dennis quaid and j lo

One of my favorite things Ellen does is prank innocent, random people. ESPECIALLY when Dennis Quaid is involved. He's the king of doing it. [Watch the proof!]

She brought him back for more pranks! Except this time, he was telling her what to say! AND, a couple episodes later, had Jennifer Lopez try to be as successful.

I'm still working on trying to do this myself. If anyone can help make this happen, I'd love you forever. Kthanks.


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

exclusive interview: dave good of the bachelorette/bachelor

If you watch the Bachelorette or the Bachelor Pad, you know who this guy is. With the looks that he's got, it's hard not to.

He's using his 15 minutes of fame to release a book all about how a lady can grab the attention, reel in, hang on to, and deal with the "Man Code man." AKA- the ultimate guy that every girl dreams of, but apparently lost touch with. [Meaning we've gotten all caught up in the glitz n glamour of the guys on the ridiculous reality shows.]

I haven't read many books in my life, but I really did read this one before the interview! It's got a LOT of really good points and quotes in it such as my favorite:

"Everyone thinks the world owes them happiness. Ironically, the world is now full of spoiled pussyfooters with no hustle. Instead of working hard to make happiness a reality, they put in just a bunch of half-assed work and quit when it doesn't work out."


He really speaks the truth throughout the whole book, and that's why I recommend it. I also recommend listening to his super-honest podcasts with me!

We talked about how the stupid people used to be killed off back in the day, but now the smart people are saving them, and what a Man Code man really is:

We also talked about this season of the Bachelor, who he's rooting for, and why he went on the Bachelorette. [He thought he was going to be fighting for Melissa!]

And finally I had to ask him about one of the hottest lists I've talked about- Everyday things that girls do that turn a man on. Does he agree with them?!

Now if only he had told me where exactly I can find a steaming hott Man Code man like himself, this woulda gone perfectly.......

ANYWAY!, he's going to become a regular on my show! Any time we talk relationships, we'll be talking to Dave to get his Man Code opinion on it!

Ladies- if that doesn't excite you, maybe you should check out some of his pictures. Then I think it will.

I can't wait to talk to him more and seriously- check out the book. Girls and guys alike could use it. [Check out two pages/graphics from the book below!]


watch: 20 worst idol auditions of all time

Just when I was getting excited and OK with the new season of Idol tonight, this video had to make me cry.

BUT... it made me cry because I was LAUGHING so hard. This is epic. "You can't stop watching a trainwreck," as my coworker just said.

Idol, please don't let me down this season. Kthanks.


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

watch: matty b says whats up to the haters with "hold it against me"

I've kinda fallen in love with little Matty B, even though everyone tells me I'm ridiculous.

His parents may be a gigantic influence. He may never see the money he's making off his YouTube hits. He may suck. Whatever. He's speaking out to all his haters with his latest parody- to Britney's "Hold It Against Me."

And that's how you make money after school and tell the haters to suck it when you're 8 years old.

He's trying to get the Bieber swag, and he's almost got it. [Seriously- they look a LOT alike.] The hoodie, the wannabe moves. Yeah, he's set.

And the good thing- He's got a FEW more years til puberty and the voice change.

Keep it up, lil homie! ;)


deezam! on the racks: jennifer aniston does allure

Holy hott, perfect mama! Jennifer Aniston is taking the cover of the February edition of Allure!

If that picture isn't gorgeous enough for you, I'm sure the next one will be.

Sure, the bangs aren't really her style, but let's be honest- who's looking at her bangs?! No one.

She seriously defines perfection for me. Between her, Carrie Underwood, and Halle Berry.. I don't know why a guy would look at any other woman in the world.

In the article, she admits that her flat stomach isn't the hardest thing for her to keep in shape, that it's actually her "derriere."

And as for what she's watching on TV:
"You know what I find fascinating? The Bachelor. I was mesmerized by how these girls, they meet this guy, they have three dates together or something, and they're weeping as though they've just lost the love of their life. I don't understand that."

TRUTH, girlfriend, TRUTH! I love that show, and I normally fall hard and quick- but they're a little coocoo.

Ah, I love her. Absolutely love.

Here's video from the shoot-->


whiskey is now available in can form

Just when the world thought Four Loko was OMG SO CRAZYY@#*&, it's been topped.

Scottish whiskey [which some Scots are arguing is NOT the same thing as Scotch because it's not as good] is now available in can form.

You have to travel a bit, but you can stay in-continent if you're in the US. It's available in South America!

They say it's ideal for 3 people to share, but let's be honest, cans are not made for sharing. This is basically death on a convenience store shelf.


Monday, January 17, 2011

life lessons 011711

It's time to learn some lessons thanks to some idiots!

That Facebook story is kinda scary [I mean... if you have some bad things in your Outbox......] and the Santa kid is TOO CUTE.


hilarious website: cranktexts

One of the website trends right now is definitely text messages. From your parents, from last night, and now to randoms. [I assume I'm a little late on this, but better late than never, damnit.]

The guy [I assume it's a guy] behind CrankTexts texts random numbers until finally someone bites and thinks they know who they're talking to. [And people are joining in the fun and doing it too.]

Messing with unsuspecting people is hilarious in general. Seeing that they'll go as far as bringing a bottle of wine and a bag of ice to a girl's house they think they've been talking to all night is just plain awesome.

That one even included the voicemails from the guy who was showing up at the apartment. HAAAA.

There are a ton of them on the site, and each time is different, hilarious, random, and successful. AKA each of the people who does this has become one of my new Internet heroes. [Assuming it's all real...]


PS: No WONDER I love this site so much! @iam_ainslee pointed out to me that the guy all over the page is Theo Von, from Road Rules and 4 of the Challenges! My brain crossed them out of recognition thinking they were ads, but it's him! SUH-WEET!

watch/poll: mlk has been autotuned, is that ok?

Happy MLK Jr Day! Hopefully you're getting a nice day off from the hustle n bustle. I prefer to stay in it as much as possible.

Anyway, the Internets [of course] thought that the perfect way to celebrate the man would be to autotune him.

I think it's fantastic! Imagine if we had autotuned versions of everything that happened in history! Do you know how easy it would be to remember everything?! I would probably be able to do my 5th grade homework of reciting the Declaration of Independence with ease!

Some people are saying it's disrespectful, though. I don't know why it would be, but maybe you can tell me if you agree with them.

What do YOU think?! Lemme know!


best of the week 011711

Just in case you were too busy telling the world why to party every single day, here's what you missed:

5. On the racks: Emmy Rossum tells dirty jokes for Esquire
4. The Simpsons goes XXX-rated with a porn parody
3. EB IRL: Why I'm proud to be anti-smartphone
2. Awesome photography: Dancing through the streets of NYC
1. POLL: Is this really J-Woww's topless pic?!

For the second week in a row, J-Woww takes the #1 spot... go figure. Dirty people! ;)

Here's to week #3 of 2011!


Friday, January 14, 2011

watch: electronic pickpocketing is crazy and scary

Normally when my mom sends an email warning me about something that could happen to me, it's old news. This time it was something I've never heard of.

Apparently for under $100, someone can get a scanner that can scan your credit card that's inside your wallet, inside your purse or pocket, as they walk by you.

Seriously. Look.

Andddd this is why technology is really getting scary. Besides a sleeve or something to protect it, how else do you make sure that doesn't happen?! It's not like you can have a bubble around you on a crowded street.

Wow. Wowwowwow.


friday morning hangover 011411

Good morning, Happy Friday, and Happy Dress Up Your Pet Day! [Don't forget to check out my Reasons to Party YouTube channel!]

Holy moly, that was an intense one. I think that'll last ya til the end of the weekend, for sure.
