Tuesday, January 18, 2011

watch: matty b says whats up to the haters with "hold it against me"

I've kinda fallen in love with little Matty B, even though everyone tells me I'm ridiculous.

His parents may be a gigantic influence. He may never see the money he's making off his YouTube hits. He may suck. Whatever. He's speaking out to all his haters with his latest parody- to Britney's "Hold It Against Me."

And that's how you make money after school and tell the haters to suck it when you're 8 years old.

He's trying to get the Bieber swag, and he's almost got it. [Seriously- they look a LOT alike.] The hoodie, the wannabe moves. Yeah, he's set.

And the good thing- He's got a FEW more years til puberty and the voice change.

Keep it up, lil homie! ;)


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