Tweet Happy Friday! And Happy Have Fun at Work Day! [Yes, real, declared holiday! WOOP!]
Here's some ways to have fun [I have lots again thanks to the whole computer FAIL I've dealt with this week]:
- First of all- do NOTHING for 2 whole minutes. You're welcome.
- 10 most controversial Super Bowl ads ever
- 15 awesome booze related inventions
- 3 babies born. In the same week. On the same HIGHWAY in MD!
- AWESOME new site that helps you meet new people in a non-awkward way! ESP if you're in the Chicago area!
- Sneak peek at Britney's FAME comic!
- What you need for your Super Bowl party next weekend
- Ways to meet a significant other besides the internet.
- What we can all learn from Rex Ryan, according to Toby Knapp.
- Pictures of my girl Ellen growing up
- A piano found in the middle of the ocean: Awesome.
- The 2012 VW Beetle is lookin' like the old ones! I dig it!
- 12 health myths and whether or not they're true. [Mostly not]
- How to NOT be a friend with benefits
- Fascinating facts about email
- The tiniest and cutest Polar Bear um.. ever.
- Another pic of Anderson Cooper in the 90s... just partyin' it up.
- Why would someone think this was stylish?
- Nothing has made me laugh harder at the office in the morning than this
- Facebook parent FAIL
- What the WORLD is known for
- Pretty freakin' awesome "It Gets Better" music video
- Dominoes videos like this amaze me
- "Up" remade with real movies from the 60s. SO awesome.
- The history of hip-hop via beatbox.
- Did YOU know you could do this with smoke?!
- And from my Candy 95 blog-
-What we can learn from Teen Mom
-Find out what job you should have based on colors
-Snooki was on MTV before the Jersey Shore
-Rappers before they were famous
-12 things you didn't know about the Social Network
-What B.Spears has taught us about love
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