Friday, August 28, 2009

morning hangover 082809


Hopefully Thirsty Thursday didn't get the best of ya last night, but if it didn't, here's a pick-me-up for you!

  • School supplies were so bangin' back in the 90s. Everything was, really... But who can deny the Trapper Keepers and Lisa Frank?!
  • Ever think that it'd be kinda hard to screw in a Snuggie?! False thought. There's even a website dedicated to showing you how.
  • There are 7 types of NCAA female athletes. These guys go over each and every one.
  • Today is the last day "Reading Rainbow" will air and I'm depressed about it. Celebrate its life with the show's top theme song covers.
  • It's totally okay to lie on the first date... Depending on the lie. These are the 5 acceptable lies.
  • Technology is taking over... Duh. This shirt is capitalizing on it and I think it's hilarious.
  • A real life bear actually knows how to use a ladder! Whattt.
  • Have you ever seen these candies or whatever they are?! Have you noticed the packaging?! The fruits are totally banging and it's awesome.
  • Asians fascinate me. Actually.. the videos they make and shows they produce etc. do. Here are two more to add to the list: The Pringles Game and Beer for kids!

  • This crow or raven or something is speaking like a parrot would! Woah!

  • This poor kid was just tryin' to hang out in his car when his bratty sister had to push him while his family taped him getting trampled. No bueno.

Alright kids! That's all for this morning! Have a FABULOUS Friday!


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