- If you're going to steal a car, I don't recommend falling asleep in it while going through a drive-thru.
- If you don't know where to stash your coccaine, your best bet is to give it to your 4 year old kid, tell him it's candy, and send him to daycare... That way he can share it.
- Forget the matchmaking sights with profiles... Try CrazyBlindDate that will set you up on a blind date on super short notice! It's pretty sweet, really. Also pretty crazy.
- There are several things women try to catch a guy's attention... These are 5 of them, and why they don't really work.
- Ladies, have you heard of the "Hollywood"?! It's even more [or should I say less?] than the Brazilian!
- It's no secret the media has a habit of skewing things every now and then.... But to completely stage something for a news story... That's no bueno.
- I've posted numerous varieties of this as they've surfaced, but no matter how much I hate the song, babies dancing to "Single Ladies" is adorable.
- Sometimes your favorite celebrity isn't Hollywood's favorite person to work with. Maybe you should double check their true reputations right now.
- I want to punch whoever got this tattoo in the face... And maybe push them off the top of a very tall building.
- Building great things with Legos is becoming a trend again. Next up: a Cello. It plays just like a normal one would!
- Another foreign advertisement that's a little to PG for the US, but perfect for love, e.
- If this isn't the coolest pet reptile I've ever seen, I don't know what is. It's a Spiderman lizard!
- Really?! The new fashion is going to be wearing horns?!
- When is the perfect time to announce your frustration with being a 56 year old virgin? A PTA meeting.
- Bored? Why not set your hair on fire and take a couple shots! Yeah! GOOD IDEA!
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