Thursday, September 27, 2012

what ellen says about social media in the 90s

Time for another excerpt from Ellen's "Seriously... I'm Kidding!" I hope you're enjoying these as much as I am. A couple people have asked what book I'm reading cuz it looks really good. Um... it's "SERIOUSLY... I'M KIDDING." Wait. Maybe I should underline it so it's officially a book title. I'm reading Seriously... I'm Kidding, by Ellen Degeneres. Is that more clear? :)

Anyway! It's obvious this was an immediate "MUST SHARE" selection, considering she talks about two of my favorite things: The 90s and social media.

Maybe the reason I like her so much is because the "crazy" things I do/have done seem completely normal and acceptable when she talks about it. Or just because she's so damn GOOD at pointing things out.

And yeah, I do kinda want some tequila right now. Just because Ellen told me I do.


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