Good morning, darlings! It's Tuesday! Rise and shine!
- My favorite thing of 2009: Flash mobs. Here are the best of the year.
- More best of 2009: Free iTunes songs, Top songs/albums sales on iTunes.
- Susan Boyle + 50 Cent: It's coming, watch out!
- The 6 most common Facebook photos. Don't lie, you know you have one of these.
- Why I won't gamble: I might lose $127 million, then try and blame the casino.
- He's just not that into you: The college edition. [A must-read!]
- If you hate feeling guilty when passing the Salvation Army buckets, there are "bucket pass" pins available.
- Hey fellas: Here are some things we all wish you'd do without us telling you to.
- When you're being chased by the cops, why not call them yourself to help you?
- Awesome way to quit your job: With Cheese Wiz.
- 10 songs to listen to after a breakup. I 100% agree.
- 1 in 10 men think Chlamydia is a flower.... REALLY?!
- More proof animals are uber smart: An injured dog took himself to the vet.
- This list of Top Divas makes me believe the definition of "diva" has changed.
- 10 things that our boyfriend owns that we'd love to throw away. [For the record, I only agree with half!]
- Want to know if your new boytoy or ladyfriend is a cheater? This website can help.
- Why is it that the cutest animals are the ones endangered?! I heart this tree kangaroo.
- Jewelry inspired by belly buttons.... Uhhh, weird or cute?
- This stoplight counts down the time until it turns green... GENIUS.
- What makes you happy:
- Best. Blanket. Ever.
- This is a pretty clever advertisement.
- Your cat video of the day! This is funny, and not just because I'm a crazy cat lady.
- Thanks to this video, you're on your way to being a professional magician.
1 comment:
for top flash mobs you need to look at the flash rave that JMU did on sunday. it def is tops!
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