Thursday, August 8, 2013

introducing the throwback thursday mix for your downloadable pleasure

For two years, I've been trying to convince my boss [with Corey's help] that our generation loves the 90s and loves hearing old school music that they haven't heard in a while. While I don't think he's believing us yet, at least he's letting us give you some goodness!

Today Corey debuted the #TBTMix, which happens on our station every Thursday morning at 8am. Ya know the Weekend Roll-outs and the Monday Mojo I used to have? It's like that, but better.. cuz it's all 90s and done by Corey. [Who somehow has DJ rhythm even though he's a ginger.]

Take a listen, get a free download, and tweet him to let him know how much you love it and what you want to hear next week!


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