Internet, give us something to do while we're laying around.
- Best thing I've read in weeks: Things 90s kids will have to try to explain to their kids
"If someone messed up that little heart-shaped Ty tag, so help you God, that was the end of whatever contact you had with that monster of a human being."
"Topanga was at some point in human history considered not only a legitimate first name for a human being, but the kind of name that would inspire in malleable teenage boys a life-long infatuation." - THIS is why you NEVER. DATE. A TATTOO ARTIST.
- What to get for the 7 hardest people to shop for [Assuming my gift guide can't help ya.]
- Homegirl got CEMENT INJECTED INTO HER FACE by the fake implant doctor
- MORE things you may not have known about sex, like the left side is the best
- and what it means to be good in bed
- America's saddest cities. :(
- Things Twitter said you should stop doing before you're 30
- Things you didn't know about babies
- How to avoid fighting with your s/o during the holiday season
- "22 things I wish I knew about dating when I was 22"
- The most shoplifted items in America. Note: Nikes.
- Um, so.... Ben Affleck has a dolphin tramp stamp....
- FABULOUS tumblr: "Fuck Yeah All Grown Up"
- Most absurd places Jesus has been found
- Damnit. This "Little Printer" would be an AMAZING gift, if it wouldn't wait til 2012 to come out. I WANT IT.
- 100 greatest movie threats of all time
- Japanese people would have weird effing candy.
Welp, bye for now!
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