Wednesday, October 13, 2010

watch: antoine dodson on bet's hip hop awards

Can we go ahead and say Antoine Dodson is the biggest viral success story EVER?! Seriously. Ever.

He's moved his parents out of the projects. He's the #1 Halloween costume over Lady Gaga and the cast of Jersey Shore. He's got merchandise that I yearn for. And he PERFORMED on the BET Hip Hop Awards... Where celebs stood up and sang his song.

Epic. Absolutely epic.

"I don't know how long they'll be there for" was pretty perfect too, but I'm hoping that money lasts forever! HIDE YA MONEY ANTOINE! THEY GON' FIND IT AND TAKE IT!

Seriously. He's my hero. He done became viral and famous and RICH. I want that to happen to me!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's easy. Just let someone rape your family member and then be ignorant when the cops show up. SUCCESS!