I know I'm all outta wack in order today, but my schedule is a big cluster eff right now. Bear with me. :)
- Best. Letter. Ever. He and his wife are getting a divorce and I think things just got a bit messy... In more ways than one.
- Calling all DC photographers!! Got a picture that shows the city's diversity?! Win the prize!
- The reason those of us are unemployed stay that way: We don't have sweet resumes like these.
- Calling it an "HJ" is so yesterday. Here are some new terms to add to your vocab.
- If this is you, you've officially had too much to drink.
- 10 more reasons to play on Chatroulette: These celebs may be hiding on there somewhere!
- BONUS: MORE great screenshots. Little kids are hilarious.
- A real baby mammoth in Chicago! I wanna see!
- I don't believe these things that apparently men want all women to know about them.
- Ridiculous things happen on game shows... And these are 10 of them.
- This guys got 90 problems.. And it's 90 types of bitches. I'm definitely a dirty sock-wearing bitch who thinks I'm hard. WHAT. *bucks*
- Tim Burton makes movies creepy... I hope he doesn't redo any of these classic childhood stories.
- How to live with no sleep, and still look [relatively] good. I'm definitely taking notes.
- All you movie buffs can probably figure these out easily... Movie quotes in graph form.
- "Uhh, ma'am... The butt implant you received is actually caulk."
- Need to break up with someone but are too chicken S?! Here. These people will do it if you pay em. You've even got options.
- If you use this article against me personally, know I will take repercussions. It's how to annoy your waiter.
- Some logos/company names just aren't very smart... Or maybe they're genius. You decide.
- These were the days! Like 3 years ago........
- Samuel L. Jackson had quite the reaction when Mo'Nique won the Oscar...
- Creepy= This lady could be Michael Jackson's double.
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