Monday, February 22, 2010

the real world dc: as we saw it, erika speaks!

A lot of people thought Chris and I wouldn't be talking to Erika on The Real World DC: As We Saw It because of all the haterade we were throwing her way.

False. We talked to her! And I'm pretty sure we'll talk to her again.

Maybe we all got off on the wrong foot. That's something I was willing to find out. We called Erika and let her talk about the things everyone's been talking about and set the record straight.

Since I'm a terrible liar, I can promise you that I'm not lying when I say I'm glad Erika joined us to talk about it all! Everyone needs their chance to tell their side of things, and it's about time we took down the fence between Erika and the bloggers.

Thank you Erika, and thank you everyone for listening, subscribing, downloading, etc! Stay tuned... We may have even more in store for you this week... ;)


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