Monday, May 11, 2009

watch: from dick in a box to mother lovers

Justin Timberlake and Adam Samberg are back at it again! This time they're throwing out their boxes and putting the moves on the people who celebrated a holiday today... Their mothers.

Wait, that sounds wrong. Each other's mothers...

It's really pretty awkward when you think about it, but isn't that what makes all of these SNL skits so funny?! Yessireebob.

The fountain is one of my favorite parts, I think. And I still don't know that anything will beat out Dick in a Box, but that's just because it was unexpected. Now SNL is back at it and making some good ish!

JT's a funny guy, for sure. And I'm excited to see Adam host the MTV Movie Awards. Make or break time, buddy.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it's andy samberg