Tuesday, May 30, 2017

interview: aaron carter still brings the party

True life: Aaron Carter and I had a handstand contest this past weekend. We'll get to that later, though.

For a few months, I've been trying to get him to come into the studio for something... anything! His new music is surprisingly great, and rivals all the other "current big names" right now. Really.

We finally booked a pool party and it ended up raining all weekend because OF COURSE IT DID. After punching things and trying to make sure those things weren't my coworkers, I made sure we brought the outside in to our Southwest Soundstage downstairs so we could still take advantage of him. Cue the frozen drinks, Hawaiian food, beach balls, etc.

When Aaron got there, he was a dream to work with [and no- it wasn't the frozen drinks that brainwashed me]. He was enthusiastic, helpful, talkative, fun, and showing me a bunch of things he was working on... all BEFORE we brought anyone else in, started the interview, etc. He was just genuinely excited to be there and showing off his new music.

The people came in, we talked about each of our recurring dreams, some records he set back in the day, and how that music was "him performing someone else's work." I asked him who beat Shaq then... turns out it was some dude in his 30s named Josh Schwartz. Damn.

It's pretty obvious/known that Aaron has been through some s#!* in his life, so we touched on that, how he's staying positive now, and how it's fun to shove all of his awesome beats in his haterade-filled family's faces.

Check out the ENTIRE event, with the interview [although lacking audio for the first minute] being first.
Other highlights: a flip at 12:40, and a 2017 remix of I Want Candy at 23:05

His energy is so contagious in all the best ways! I was feeling high on it for the rest of the weekend, for sure.

Or maybe it was the high of winning the handstand contest against him. Really. Proof is in the Instagram.

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And just in case you haven't listened to any of his new stuff, this is the current single:

Welcome back, Aaron. It is SO lovely to have you and to have met you and to make another one of my "never could have even dreamed this would happen" mindblown preteen moments.



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