Friday, February 1, 2013

listen to the show: how did you lose your virginity?

I was thinking the other day how people spend YEARS planning out their first time, and 99% of the time it goes nothing like the imagination... SO... I decided to find out exactly how it went down for some people.

Some people got their wishes to come true, but they're certainly not your ordinary wishes, and some people lost it at a shockingly young age.

LISTEN to the calls [and my own story, since people always ask! don't listen, family.]!

My favorite: "I don't remember their names, but I always remember their cars!" I love it when classy people call my show.

REMEMBER: I'm live every night from 6-11pm EST! Listen online or download my app! And put 757-473-1005 in your phone so you can call me any time, even just to say hey!


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