Tuesday, October 23, 2012

i was in the "local's hottest" magazine!

There's a relatively new publication in Hampton Roads called "The Local's Hottest." It's a free little mini-mag that tells people all about the coolest things to do and places to go, happenings, and people they should know.

In the October issue, I was featured in the "Locals Hottest DJs" section! Just a quick little blurb about who I am and where to find me [and a quote from my Facebook bio].

Look around for the print version all over Hampton Roads, but you can also check out the website any time!

And I have to thank Leslie Woodruff of Woodruff Photography who took some pictures of me a couple months ago for it! Even though my hair is completely different now, I'm loving some of these shots she got!

Obviously I had to get one with my BFF Justin Bieber [and the photobombing Taylor Lautner. Rude, dude.]

I love photoshoots! :)


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