Monday, July 23, 2012

beyond the real world st thomas cameras: sea urchins and sillies with latoya

I'm on a freakin' roll, right?! [Minus getting this up 3 days after recording... Forgive me, it's been a stressful weekend!]

LaToya is in the spotlight this week, and what perfect timing! She finally played a big role in this past episode, duking it out with Swift!

Of course we addressed that situation, but she also told me about a major celeb who came over to see her when she got back to VA after filming! Also- Where's the Subway?! Normally the roomies are constantly eating the sandwiches, but this season their eating habits are different! She spilled the beans on that.

"LaMaR" is something we haven't seen on the show yet, but she said they were inseparable and it's just one of the things that had been edited IN so far into the season. Also- what she says the rest of the season will be like.

All of it is explained, right here in this podcast. Download it, listen to it, bring it with you on the way to work for entertainment in traffic. Most of all, enjoy it. ;)


You better believe I WILL try and get Swift on, and if he is, we'll be talking apologies.

Should we try for him next? Who are you hoping to hear from? Laura? Robb? Brandon? Let me know!


PS: Check out ALL of my "Beyond the Real World Cameras" interviews right here!

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