Thursday, January 19, 2012

watch: my submission for ellen's dance dare challenge could get me on the show!

YOU. GUYS. My dreams could start to come true this week. Ellen announced that she wanted us to complete a "dare" of dancing behind people that aren't aware of the situation. UMMM... IT'S LIKE SHE MADE IT FOR ME!!!

So, unfortunately it took me two days to be able to get out and film a good version, but I did it! Poor people in the mall having no idea they'll be on TV if I get my way with them.

I totally need your help in catching up with everyone else who has posted [pretty lame] videos! Watch it, share it, and keep your fingers crossed! If she shows it on hr show, not only will I go freaking nuts, but I'll also get $100! If she picks mine as her favorite, I GO TO THE FREAKING SHOW.

Holy hott damn bajoley s;fiskldfj;saldfkajerogifsjd!!!!!!!!!

Please? :)


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