Friday, November 4, 2011

the best of pinterest 110411

Just when I thought I could slow down on my Pinterest addiction, I failed. And I'm definitely getting more people hooked by the day, and I don't even feel bad.

Here's what I loved this week [Click for more info about them!]:

Hanging pictures? Use toothpaste! I did this in my room this week, it's a GENIUS idea!!//I had NO IDEA there was pink gold! I LOVE.

Definitely my life motto

Use dates, stories, etc on your wedding aisle//Bookshelf made of drawers!

Just true.

Wine jello shots!//Chocolate chip pumpkin cookie pie

A digital clock you can stick anywhere!

The cutest little Halloween costume//A Christmas tree of wine bottles. Yes.

Join. Now. ESPECIALLY if you have a vagina down there. You'll love it. And then follow me! [And check out everything else I've found, without joining, by clicking that link!]
