I've always questioned their relationship and been waiting for the day that they break up, but to be honest- I think each episode and picture that I see pushes my "estimated date" back a little further. They're actually pretty darn cute together.
Apparently they're going to share all of their decorations and holiday spirit in the magazine:
I definitely think Khloe received the extreme short end of the stick when it comes to attractiveness in the Kardashian family, but there's something about her and Lamar being all happy together that makes her a little more attractive.
Okay. Now I need to barf.. I'm being entirely too nice to a Kardashian. [And NO, it's NOT because of the hate mail I got today.]
I'm interested to see how the article is. That's when I'll really decide how I feel about them once and for all. [/for a couple weeks..]
And while we're on the topic of the Kardashian clan- have you seen the pictures of Khloe, Kendall and Kylie at the Burlesque premiere?!
Kendall is gorgeous! Kylie's got something weird going on with her smile, but they seem to have gotten the good genes!
Now if they can find a happy medium between the scary skinny that they are and the too-much-goodies of their older sisters within the next 4 years [when Kendall's 18], we might have to countdown to their legality.
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