Thursday, June 24, 2010

watch: i was on the morning news!!

Two days ago I began my "media tour" of sorts with an interview with the DA, the newspaper in Morgantown! Today I decided to hit the broadcasting world and join the KBTX crew on Brazos Valley This Morning for a quick interview and a shot at doing the news!

[Okay, so it wasn't my decision... they invited me and OF COURSE I said I'd love to do it!]

The best part: I was on camera at 6:20 am. I woke up at 5:50 am. Swear on my life. It was a bit ridiculous how I was able to get ready, iron my shirt, straighten some of my hair, and put makeup on within 9 minutes, but I did it!

You're going to come with me every step of the way for this journey, right?! I hope so! I'm takin' ya with me regardless!


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