Tuesday, January 12, 2010

tomorrow marks episode 3 of the real world: dc

I love TV at the beginning of the year! The Bachelor has begun on Mondays, American Idol starts TONIGHT [I can't even begin to try to contain my excitement for that one] and of course- The Real World DC is also on Wednesday nights!

Anyway, tomorrow marks episode 3 of RWDC, which also means some exciting things. So set your alarms, write these things in your planner, whatever you need to do, but get ready for:

  • Live-blogging with We Love DC during the show!
  • Talking on Talk Entertainment Radio as soon as the show ends! We'll be taking your calls, so make sure to call in and make the show crazy exciting! [646-200-0660!]
  • The Real World DC: As We Saw It podcast on Thursday night! Send in any questions you have for any roommate, us, or about the show in general to RWDC.AsWeSawIt@gmail.com by Thursday afternoon!
I'm looking forward to hearing what all of you have to say! After all, it's your interest in all of this that keeps me going!


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