Because it had all of my Halloween pictures from the past week on it, I was extra upset, and ended up going into an empty room upstairs in my friends' house and falling asleep super early, instead of enjoying my usually-crazy weekend in Morgantown. [Which made me even more pissed in the morning..]
Anyway, I had a ton of pictures I took that I wanted to share of the skanks, hookers, creative people, sluts, etc that I saw all weekend, but obviously now I can't. Instead, I raided all of my friends' Facebooks looking for some fabulous costumes to share.
To be honest, I have to say it... I'm a little disappointed in the overall collection, and I wish people took pictures of randoms like I do. BUT... I'll forgive you guys. Especially because you have to forgive me for stealing your pictures and using them.
First up: Here are my 3 costumes from the weekend.
I realized on the third night that I basically dressed up as dudes all weekend... But that's fitting because really... I am part guy.
If you can't tell, I was Superman, a Mountaineer football player, and Sherlock Holmes. Minus the football player, I made them all entirely from scratch, and I'm pretty freakin' proud of it, so this is me bragging, and that's you dealing with it.
Another thing I'm proud of- The costume Mikey P and I made for him. We're a pretty creative family when we put our minds to it.
T-Pain, ON A BOAT!!! Get it?!
It totally just sat on his hips like magic! Those are suspenders, not straps to hold it up. It even came equipped with a coozie to keep his drink cold! [Which, because he somehow ended up a good kid and doesn't drink, ranged from apple juice, to water, to Mountain Dew, to Gatorade all night.]
And now onto my fraynds, and their friends:
And these I pick as some of my faves:
Just overall great.
Hilarious // creative.
"All That and a bag of chips" on the right.
You can write on his Wall!! // Creative!
In real life they looked even better and had the girls of the cast!
Fabulous couple costume // Random hilarious
The Real Housewives of Woodbridge carry guns // Calvin and Hobbes
Thanks to my friends for letting me put you on blast! And for making it so I got basically nothing done the past 48 hours because I spent it looking at your pictures.
I hope everyone had a Happy Halloween!!!
PS: I am TOTALLY offering a reward for someone to just send me my pictures that were on my camera. I won't even be mad, and you can keep the camera. Please just email me the pictures anonymously or something.
I hope everyone had a Happy Halloween!!!
PS: I am TOTALLY offering a reward for someone to just send me my pictures that were on my camera. I won't even be mad, and you can keep the camera. Please just email me the pictures anonymously or something.
1 comment:
Oh snap, I was not expecting to see EB (dressed as a 20's gangsta next to his flapper girl) up on your site! *Reminiscent sigh* What up EB?
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