Friday, June 26, 2009

watch eTV: Finding the RWDC Cast Episode 2

Woohoo! It's time for another episode of elizabethanyTV's Finding the Real World DC Cast!!!

If you missed episode 1, click here, duh.

I guess this is technically episode #3, because I did a text version of an episode... But it's only the second video, hence the title of #2!

Mission: To find the cast of the Real World DC, and make it into the house, and in their hot tub.

What I'm doing now to get there: Buying some outfits, getting a tan, and checking out the house again.

Again, haters and/or lovers are ALWAYS welcome in the comment box below!

I also have a TON more information to share that I learned while down there, but you'll have to wait until tomorrow for that, so check back in!



1 comment:

BigRuss said...

Honestly EB, i love this shit, dont know why, but i keep comming back for more elizabethany. F Perez , i love elizabethany. Oh yeah , i am tryin to come stalk the cast w you at some point.