Wednesday, May 27, 2009

on the racks: lady gaga does rolling stone

The latest issue of Rolling Stone is about to hit the racks, and Lady GaGa is on the cover! ...Although, if you're like me, you wouldn't know it unless you could read.

She seriously looks different to me every time I have seen her, and normally I'm a little freaked out by it, but it has grown on me. This cover though... What the heck?! Who thought this was attractive?

And it's not like they didn't have a lot to choose from that was probably way better. Check out this video from the shoot:

Seriously, I think there was way better of pictures, but hopefully they'll be on the inside! She's got a good butt! [Yeah, so I like commenting on people's butts.. Whatever.] It's all very scandalous but it shall be interesting, for sure.

Next time, GaGa.. Just make sure they pick a more flattering cover. Yikes.


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