Tuesday, October 14, 2008

not cool

So little Miss Beyonce's new song "If I Were A Boy".. ya know, the one I'm pretty sure I said was pretty and different and not so typical of her... Yeah, that's because it's not really hers at all.

It's actually BC Jean's song.. an up-n-coming singer/songwriter in San Diego, and co-wrote the song with Toby Gad.

They reportedly wrote about a dozen songs together to be put on an album for BC Jean. Then a deal fell through, and the songs are no longer being recorded by just her.

Wow. I... don't even know what to say.

I wonder if Beyonce knew it was someone else's song who planned on recording it for their own album? I wonder if she purposely released it as one of the first songs because she didn't want miss Beautiful Child (BC) to get it out first.

Either way, it's very sketchy. Whether it's Beyonce's fault, or compeltely Mr. Gad's fault, it's not cool.

Ya'll better sort this out and give this girl some kind of credit. Beyonce has enough undeserved credit already.


PS: You can check out BC Jean's version of the song on her website. It's good.

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