Thursday, July 25, 2013

where to find me this weekend

Pretty sure I've never done a post of this sort, but I have so much going on in the next 40 hours, I want to share in case you can come out!

If you wanna come say hayyy, support me, or just get out of the house, here's what's goin' down:

FRIDAY MORNING, 6-10--> Pembroke Mall for the Operation School Supplies live broadcast on WAVY TV 10! [Virginia Beach]
I'll be collecting school supplies to help local kids in need, and it'll be covered on the news all morning! So if you can help donate, come on by! We'll also have our tent set up with some goodies to thank you with, and you can meet all those news celebs!

FRIDAY NIGHT, 6-9--> Live broadcast of my show at Ocean Breeze Waterpark! [Virginia Beach]
Starting this week, I'll be doing my show from the side of the wave pool at only the best waterpark in the area! Tons of slides, tons of fun, and tons of free stuff at our tent. Come out and play!

SATURDAY MORNING, 8-10--> Pancake fundraiser at Applebee's off Lake View Parkway [Suffolk]
I have a new project that I'll hopefully be debuting very soon, but we're trying to raise money so we can make it happen! It's legit. Real producers and stuff involved.... So if you come on out, we'll hook you up with some breakfast and just ask for a small donation! [I can also give you more deets on what it is!]

Going to be a fun-filled, sleep deprived 48 hours, so I hope you can come out and make it worth it!


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