Friday, December 2, 2011

this week on pinterest 120211

It's been a couple weeks since I've done this, and I have no good reason why. Time to bring it back. Here's the greatness on Pinterest the past week or so [click the pic to find out more info]:

Homemade tinker toys/band that indents heart into your skin permanently over time!

A fish tank sink?! Game over.

Turn your pictures into a viewfinder!/Love the idea of a bed IN the floor!

Putting pictures on vases for candles!

Cranberry lime vodka/Pumpkin breakfast shake

How to make your own glasses out of bottles!

Cheesecake- Blueberry/peppermint bark

No words needed

I think this proves anyone can join it, and yes, even boys! So, do it. And follow me. And check out everything I've made from it.


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