- A blog for the lovers of the 2000s
- NYC ISN'T the REAL city that never sleeps! I feel lied to!
- 10 things guys wish they could say without ending up in the doghouse
- Couple catches EACH OTHER cheating AT THE SAME HOTEL
- Then there was the homegirl who stole $560 worth of magnum condoms
- Cosmo says the darnedest things... November edition
- How to be your favorite 90s gal for Halloween on super short notice
- Top 5 trick or treating scenes in movies
- Time changes everything... including the most popular costumes of the year [from back in the 80s and 90s]
- Awesome Post-It note wars
- 87 year old man gets caught with 102 bricks of cocaine... worth over 3 million dollars.
- You. Watch your Facebook relationship manners
- The REAL reasons why friends with benefits can't work
- The 10 people you'll run into while Trick or Treating and what they'll give you
- Um... did you know smuggling in pounds of Mexican bologna was illegal?!
- Celebs who look awesome WITHOUT makeup on
- Kevin Richardson is a Backstreet Boy again!
- My mind is BLOWN finding out which candies are more/less healthy. [This may or may not ruin your life like it did mine.
- Why do teens get in so many fights? Because they drink too much soda.
- How the iPhone camera has changed over the years
- Random tumblr: What things look like before and after they're microwaved
- Hilarious couple fails
- Want classier food? Spray some gold on it. Real life.
- Grandma reads Snooki's tweets
- I just really wanna go to the Bubble Hotel!
- WOAH CRAZY trampoline tricks!
Okay, that's a lot. And I have a lot to do. I thought this job would give me more time for blogging.. apparently that's not until I somehow get my real life back on track.

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