Good morning, sunshines! Expect an all-new look by the end of the night, but before then, let's hit the Internet!
- Scarlett Johansson nakey?! I think it's legit!
- Hott things to do during halftime of football games.
- 35 ridiculous parenting fails
- Jet-powered school bus can go over 300 mph!
- How to get out of a parking ticket
- A 13 year old kid built this lifesize Batman out of Legos!
- Ew. A hotel only for dead people...?!
- We all know you want these mustache sunglasses
- What I want: This land AND water trailer. Yes, please, Sugar Daddy.
- Weird public art from all over the world
- Yikes. Reese post-getting hit by car isn't a pretty sight...
- The 10 best Cameron Tucker quotes
- Jeremy Piven is so effing funny I can't even handle it.
- How can a white girl like me get awesome hair like this?!
- Gumby robbing 7-11: Awesome.
- So wrong, but so good and so genius.
- Vinny's "Pumped Up Kicks" video... SO. MANY. SURPRISES.
- Whitney Houston's daughter covers Adele. Thoughts?
OMG, you must have an insane metabolism! I wouldn't be able to scrounge up more than an incoherent sentence or two if I was hung-over - guess yours are happy one's anyway? Ah, to be young again!
Liked the Scarlett Johansson pics, but thought it looked like one of her boobs was suspiciously high on her body.
Love your YouTube videos! I'm also Panty_Buns on Twitter and on Photobucket now.
I'm not sure if that's ScarJo. The boob doesn't look big enough to me. I consider myself an expert at staring at her clothed boobs, and the appear to be larger than that to me.
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