We took a lot of polls in last night's finale chat, as usual, to figure out these winners! So, without further ado, congrats-

Leroy is a no brainer for favorite guy of the cast. He kept it real all season, but also learned some valuable lessons. Watching him on UStream after the show last night, he said every time he did something he made sure he thought about it first, knowing the cameras were around. He didn't want to portray the "typical black stereotype like Ty." I think he did an excellent job at that.
No wonder Naomi and Leroy got along so well! They're both so real, funny, and straight up! Naomi was the spunky girl from the Bronx and did it well! Add in the scare of being pregnant or having and STD, and being an awesome friend to Nany and Heather, and you got yourself someone worth watching.
No brainer. It was hard to really hate any of the guys besides Adam when you look at the season as a whole. Though the show wouldn't have been what it was without him, he's not someone we'd like to party or live with.
Go ahead, feel bad for the new girl. I do. That doesn't excuse her from coming in and trying to break up couples and just be unlikeable. There must be something fun about Cooke if Leroy and Mike are so close with her, but the show didn't show it. To us, she's the home-wrecking grooms-woman.
Sure, Dustin and Heather are the cutest Barbie and Ken couple to be on reality TV in years, and Leroy and Naomi had a pretty sweet deal going on, but let's be honest- Leroy and Mike were the cutest duo of the season. Always there for each other, holding hands, etc... Presh.
The best storyline was a tie, but technically the same. Heather and Dustin's relationship, along with Dustin's interesting past took the cake because it was interesting to see it all unfold and progress, but it wasn't too much to handle.
There were quite a bit of fights this season, and all involving different people! But let's be honest... the best is Adam vs. Hard Rock security. Not only did he get multiple strikes then kicked out, he tried to tickle their fancy again by trying to sneak in when coming to visit. Unfortunately, he lost.
This is really a no brainer. One of the hottest moments ever on the Real World- The Nany/Heather hook-up.
There were some really gut-wrenching moments this season, and though Nany finding out about her dad was a close second, Leroy finding out about his friend in the finale gets this. Seeing a grown man, who hasn't shown much emotion until now, sob the way he did- it's hard to watch.
I think Mike provided the most laughs for me throughout the season in general, but when he made his Sexiled Island tent, nothing can top that. Plus, during the after show when he imitated his roommates' sex noises- hands down funniest moment.
The roommates may not have known it at the time, but Leroy knew what he was doing when he was smashing things on the floor like Adam did. He was proving a point, did it perfectly, and even cleaned up his mess afterward. Epic win.
We didn't have to tell Nany about this; she admitted it in the finale. When she dumped her boyfriend of six years for a guy like Adam, then didn't listen to her roommates when they told her it was a bad idea, she looked like a dumb B. She came back and proved herself to be smarter later, so hopefully now she has learned from her fail that she deserves a lot better.
It's hard to remember all the one-liners that made us laugh, but if there's one that we quoted the most in the chat, it was for sure Dustin's "but who's going to do his hair?" comment during his fight with Mike in Cancun. It was comedic relief in an awkward and annoying fight.
We said all season that finally Bunim-Murray had gotten the equation right again, but after the ending last night, they lost major points. The music was perfect when they walked out, but it doesn't have the same effect when they all walk out together instead of one by one. I felt like I was standing outside naked waiting for something else to happen and make me complete.
And that's that! Do you agree? Any disagreements or praises can always be left in the comment box! I don't host the chats for nothing... I value and want your opinion!
Here's to another season behind us, and hopefully an epic reunion ahead of us!
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