Tuesday, May 31, 2011

watch: 5000 people lipdub in grand rapids

How do you make people LOVE your city? Shut it down for a day for an internet video.

Okay, maybe that's not the way to people's hearts, but the video they made while shutting everything down will certainly catch the world's eyes! Especially when 5,000 people get together to create one epic lipdub.

That's what they did in Grand Rapids, Michigan last week.

I actually watched the entire thing! There is SO MUCH that happens and so much they planned! They got the police and fire departments involved for goodness sake!

Also: Did you catch the awkwardly tall guy in the beginning? He made me LOL. I also fully enjoyed the politicans singing and having their arms around each other. So presh.

And the HELICOPTER?! Yeah. They just pulled the Trump card.

So, uh, College Station.... Can we work something out or whhaattt?


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