Tuesday, October 26, 2010

best jersey shore quotes of season 2

So I posted this yesterday, but some craziness happened and it somehow got deleted.

Anyway, I'd be lying if I said OMG I LOVE THE JERSEY SHORE I WATCHED EVERY EPISODE. Truth is- Teen Mom captured my heart this season and I don't have time to watch that much TV.

What I did catch of this season- all of the absolutely ridiculous amazing quotes. And with the help of my most reliable website, I shall present to you my top 10 +1, because we all know you never pick just 10.

They actually didn't include T-Shirt Time, which is the best thing to happen to this world since GTL, nor did they include the Obama tanning tax comment, but I guess we can't let Snookie hog all the quotes...

Thank you, people of Jersey Shore... for being so damn smart. Errr... entertaining.
