TweetI know, I know... It's been so long since I've done one of these you don't even remember what the heck my Morning Hangover is... I'M SORRY. I'm trying to get these diddies back on track!
- Wanna take a trip down beautiful Memory Lane? The best old school Disney shows' theme songs.
- So the Naked Cowboy is running for President of the USA...
- Meet the guy who played BOTH of the Winklevoss twins in The Social Network.
- If you're about to lose your freakin' mind, please don't. Try one of these things first.
- 12 kinds of sex every woman needs to have before settling down.
- I honestly had NO idea some of these reality stars did porn!
- Wanna travel to the future? Go to one of these futurist restaurants.
- The 50 most racist TV shows of all time. 50. That's a lot.
- 25 most embarrassing pictures of Justin Timberlake.
- Hey ladies- 30 things you gotta stop doing by the time you're 30.
- Guys- Signs you're too good for her.
- I was really kinda afraid I was going to end up on this list of people gettin' down at the workplace.
- 25 signs he's not the one.
- 10 things everyone misses about middle school dances.
- A public Twitter booth... AKA AMAZING.
- Another amazing viral video costume. Perfection.
- When you live through 3 CENTURIES, you have a lot to say.
- When your dog can say grace before eating, then maybe I'll believe he's cool.
- The answer issss.... PENIS!
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