Tuesday, November 17, 2009

watch: pole dancing and wedding fail

Sometimes a wedding needs a little spice to add some flavor. The bride in the wedding I was in double-dog-dared me to trip down the aisle, so of course, I did... And almost fell on my face. Next thing I know we're all crying from laughing so hard.

That being said... When you're pole dancing is causing a scene and the bride is giving you some serious death stares, you may want to stop what you're doing before a disaster happens.

I can't tell you how glad I am this entire thing was on tape. It was as if we were watching an entire building collapse as people tried to get out. [Hmmm.. Maybe I shouldn't say that?!]

The fact that the bride came out with a bloody nose is like the ending to a great movie. It couldn't have turned out better. [Unless, of course, she got a black eye to match thanks to fighting the girl in the red dress.]

I don't see these ladies being friends any time soon. Mrs. Bride doesn't seem to have the best sense of humor on the block.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is actually a viral video from Heineken, see the original here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8dRSFRXIHeI
