I hope you had a wonderful weekend, but let's face it- Sometimes it's just too hard to get started on the week. I'm here to help [the procrastination].

- 9 Signs your boyfriend might be gay... In case it wasn't obvious.
- There are tons of celebs that dated and most of us has no idea... Like 23 year-old Fergie and 16 year-old Justin Timberlake.
- You can't listen to everything Cosmo tells you, ladies. Some tips will put you and/or your man in the hospital.
- X-Rated: "Vulva" necklaces. You can get necklaces molded to look exactly like your hoo-ha. Gross.
- The scariest moments in child movies... Minus anything from The Wizard of Oz, for some reason.
- Some of the simplest things that are bodies do on a regular basis are impossible to explain, even for scientists.
- Some sex myths seem stupid and impossible, but are actually true.
- Sneakiest guy ever: He married 2 women, at the same time, in the same apartment building.
- Would you think your daughter was passing up a once in a lifetime opportunity if she said no to porn?
- Most awesome. hoodie. ever. And they have more just like it!
- Hey... Sometimes ya gotta fall in style, right?!
- Some YouTube videos aren't original at all, and there actually entirely too many of them. This is a hilarious summary:
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