Wednesday, July 29, 2009

another reality show star coming to the dmv

By now you've probably heard the news: Kate Gosselin bought a nice little condo in Rockville, MD. [Just 5-10 minutes from my current location, someone tells me.]

I may not be the first to tell you this, but I'm going to put in my 2 cents.

First of all... Here are some pictures of her new bachelorette pad in Rockville Town Square. [Sample pictures from their website.]

Yeah, no wonder they picked this place. [I mean.. no wonder she did......] It looks freakin' beautiful and totally roomy! Plus, it's right next to her supposed security guard lover.

Funny how people who have a show about struggling with 8 kids can afford to have a brand new mansion in PA, apartment in NY, AND bangin' condo in Rockville.

Hope you're enjoying this 15 minutes, people. Try and save some money while you're doin' it.


PS: No, I will not be stalking this woman. She's crazy, a huge B, and has pretty awesome kids. If I see her, great. I'll throw her a high five. If not, totally cool. I don't stalk people, I just try and get to know them. This woman is someone I don't want to know.

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