Wednesday, May 20, 2009

because you want to know: american idol finale pt 1

So last night was the beginning of the AMERICAN IDOL FINALE!!!! Kris and Glambert performed, Paula looked ridiculous, and plentyyyy of stars were there! [Katie Holmes and Suri Cruise what?!]

I'm going to make this short and sweet, and just share the tweets that I sent out during the show, with a couple of pictures and stuff. Tonight is going to be absolutely amazing and I'm HOPING I get to watch it all live and not on DVR!

  • The best thing about Glambert's performance was the smoke.
  • WHAT IS THIS FAKE TAN AND HAIR AND LOOK OF PAULA's?!?! Holy s. She looks terrible!!
  • I just don't understand the fascination in Glambert's whiney screaming.
  • hmmm...Not a huge fan of the song for this season.Maybe Kris will change my mind.
  • Yeah,not Kriss best performance..But I think if he sang that in the studio, it would sound a lot better. Either way, he's got my vote!
Okay, so I actually thought I sent out a lot more than that, but I felt like I was bugging people. Main gist of it-- Glambert may be flawless, but he's too screachy for American Idol. Imagine him+Idol producers on an album. Yikes.

And Paula.. WHAT... Was the look you had goin' on? Brown skin, purple hair... Telling Glambert he's an ICON?!

luv elizabethany: what is paula doing
luv elizabethany: why is she brown
luv elizabethany: why is her hair opurple
ELIZABETHANYSBFF: i dont know, but she's a black girl

Also... I think I shall marry Kris Allen. I know he's got a wifey and all, but we both have the crooked mouth! And we'd make beautiful babies.

Okay, that is all for now! I can't wait for tonight!!!! LET'S GO KRIS!!!!! [Whoever I want to win NEVER does... Except last year. And season 1. And maybe Carrie.]


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