Monday, December 1, 2008

month and a half away

Not sure if ya'll have heard or not, but they're expecting way over a million people to head to Washington, DC for the inauguration on January 20.

In fact, there will be so many people in attendance, some people around DC are renting their basements out for up to 15,000$ A NIGHT to out of towners. Northern VA basements are going for over 2,000$!!!

And if you or they are looking for something to do that day, MTV is throwing just one of the many parties you might be able to attend...

...That is, if you have volunteered somehow.

They're throwing the "Be The Change Inaugural Ball" at the Ronald Reagan and International Trade Building.. And expect "leading artists, celebrities, and government officials to attend." And as for "normal people," they're inviting people who they believe have made a change in this world.

Hmph. I kinda like the idea. Right on MTV!!

Now where's my invitation?! :)


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