Saturday, October 4, 2008

The all time raunchiest man is officially MARRIED!!

That's right.. Howard Stern, everyone's favorite nasty radio man, has married his girlfriend Beth Ostrosky. [Good name! ;)]

Who was there? Well, Mark Consuelos [ya know, Kelly Ripa's hubby..] performed the ceremony. Jimmy Kimmel, Sarah Silverman, Barbara Walters, Billy Joel, Chevy Chase, and the Trumps were also there.. With Billy Joel singing and Chevy Chase giving a nice, inappropriate toast.

Stern totally vowed to never marry again after his last divorce in 2000, but then said "I'm a hypocritical liar, as you know, things change, love happens, love blossoms.." on David Letterman earlier this year.

Will he change his show any?? I doubt it.. but being married brings out a different person, even on a raunchy radio show. I've witnessed it myself. But, he IS somewhat of a legend, so I guess we'll see. I could be proven wrong, for sure.

Congrats, guys! Beth, keep him under control will ya?! ;)


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