Tuesday, November 29, 2011

watch etv: party rockin with real world san diego's nate and sam in the studio

Nate was in town for a couple bar parties over Thanksgiving weekend [SO upset I couldn't make it to them because of having to get home for the holiday], but he and Sam stopped by the studio for a little bit on Wednesday night to get the party started.

I had them cohost my show for an hour while talked about the best and the most cheesy pick-up lines, since they seem to know their stuff.

Here's the podcast/calls:

BUT, that's not even the best part. I also wanted to know exactly what dance moves they throw onto the dance-floor when they're tryin' to get the ladies. After a couple minutes of going on tangents and stopping everything we were doing in order to get our Party Rock on, they spilled the beans.

[I also had to ask Sam what kind of underwear she wears, and of course, Nate got asked who he'd bang, kill, and marry.]

They were TOO fun, as expected. Hopefully he'll be back because I'd really enjoy a "How to Prank Your Friends" lesson from the two of them.


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