Good morning and Happy Humpin' Day! ...orr.. something.
Give it to me, Internet!
- Girl Scout cookie flavored chapstick: It's real.
- Madonna's got a new single!
- 7 reasons you attract the crazy dudes
- If you have sex 4 times a week, you'll look ten years younger
- The toys ALL the 90s kids HAD to have for Christmas
- RIP Heavy D :(
- Even 87 year olds do crazy things to their husbands when they get cheated on
- A boozeless bar? That sounds really dumb.
- Romantic things you can do for your man
- How to deal with and get over the hurt during a break-up
- Burly rugby player wakes up from a coma a gay hairdresser
- More celebs that used to be pageant queens
- Why women cheat vs. why men cheat
- The best smartass answers from students on exams
- Jonathan Lipnicki's transformation is just so beautiful
- Wow. Heavy D's last bunch of tweets...
- Gross but hilarious.
- COOL! Marching band's stick figure formation is beyond awesome.
- I had no idea he did this stuff, but Joseph Gordon Levitt covers R Kelly's "Ignition Remix"... and the ladies go WILD. "I think my ovaries just exploded."
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