When I get to a new place, I don't exactly like to creep up and magically show up on the air. I gotta make a bang of an entrance.
Last week, my first week at HOT, we spent multiple 12+ hour days planning things, shooting videos, and editing them up. We made this teaser video [which I think is pretty damn tease-y, if you ask me] and then put together this flash mob with some of my new coworkers and friends on ODU's campus.
It's not the biggest flash mob you'll ever see, but it was random, it was planned in less than 24 hours, and it caught people's attention... and that's what matters, my friends. Plus, it was hella fun and checked off a bucket list item! Holla!
Make sure you paid attention to the tall ginger kid who runs around aimlessly pretty much the entire time. I'm pretty sure he, Corey, is the star of the video.
And TONIGHT my voice debuts on the station as I cohost Corey's show [which will become mine once the listeners are warmed up]. Tune in starting at 6pm!
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