Wednesday, March 23, 2011

american idol top 11: you're watching the show with me

I didn't get to watch American Idol on time tonight, so instead of bugging you all with a million tweets, I figured I'd share all of my thoughts as I watch right here. PLUS! I can add all the performances in in case you missed it.

This season is amazing and if you haven't been watching, you're not smart. Get with it.

Now on with the show.
  • Woah. J.Lo... that's what I like to call Barbie make-up. I guess it matches the glitter sparkly dress, though.
  • It'd be nice if they got Casey's sound right. It really affected the ability to tell if he was good or not. I hope it doesn't affect the voting. His look was on point!

  • Thia really bothers me personality-wise. She's either really boring, or too soft, insecure, or something. But I don't like watching her. She's an amazing singer, and was good tonight, but... ugh. Definitely doesn't have that "spark."

  • Jacob was definitely becoming too much, and tonight was hella hard to judge with him because of the sound again, but he did a lot better than usual. I'm glad. He's definitely talented like woah. And YAY standing ovation! Yay for him!

  • Lauren killed it from the first note. Seriously. She's back, and she looked great!

  • Stefano was good, but like they said, there's definitely something more I want from him. He keeps reminding me of Bruno Mars for some reason. I want him to be special for something... besides his mom's food.

  • Haley definitely put on a show! You could tell she was feeling it and I really do love her sound, so I hope America kept her around.

  • Wow. Scotty found a way to legitimately turn Motown into Country. That's why I'm liking this season. People are being themselves no matter what. Scotty better be in the finale. There's no reason for him not to be. He's going to kill the country scene too, assuming they accept a youngin'.

  • I wish Pia had more personality. She's kinda like Carrie. Carrie was always blah to me, but damn, they can both sing. I'm thinking she needs to be joining Scotty in the finale. I'm sick of her and ballads, but at the same time- her Celine/Whitney voice works with that stuff.
  • I'm still more than obsessed with Paul's voice, and his personality is cute too, but all of his songs have really sounded the exact same week after week. I need something different.

  • Naima owned the stage tonight when it comes to performance. She sounded great, but she really strutted around, brought in the audience, and did a freakin' African dance breakdown in the middle! I like her originality, but I'm having a hard time imagining her as an artist.

  • Woah. Now I don't know if I can keep saying everything I've said about everyone else. James did AWESOME! Nothing bad to say. At all. Incredible.

Tonight's show was pretty incredible. Never have we been at the top 11 and I haven't known, with confidence, who I want gone. I'll be sad to see anyone go, really! BUT. If I have to pick one to go, it's definitely Thia. I don't think America will agree, but I hope they do. Joining her in the bottom three should be [unfortunately] Casey, Paul, or Haley.

Wow. Tomorrow night's show is going to be intense, I think.
Let me know your thoughts! I like hearing them as much as I do sharing!


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