Tuesday, November 23, 2010

listen/download: angelina's new single "i'm hot"

I know it's Tunes on Tuesday, and that's where I normally debut the new music, but I'd rather not mix in terribly bad, hilarious songs.

So, right now, I present to you the Jersey Shore's Angelina with her new single- "I'm Hot."

GoodNESS I hope she doesn't genuinely expect people to play that anywhere. She's joking, right? She's laughing with us! ...No? She's not? She's like Heidi Montag?

Schedule the plastic surgery and bankruptcy meeting, we got ourselves a fame whore.



Capitol Hill 20210 said...

oh wow - this is worse then any Paris Hilton song - even Tardy for the Party is better.

Wow - anyone can get a song these days.

Thanks for the laugh

Anonymous said...

my ears started bleeding 19 seconds in. that was cruel.

thank you? haha