Everyone I talk to thinks Adam Lambert is going to win American Idol. [Even though he was in the bottom 2 last night!] I cringe when he takes the stage, but apparently some people want him close to them... So they're fighting over these items on eBay right now:
Oh my goodness. I think I just barfed in my mouth. A lot. #1- The guy hasn't even won yet. Not even made it to the Top 3! #2- Hasn't everyone seen his nasty pictures of him making out with guys ALL OVER the internet?!
The eyeliner is too much. I don't want it staring at me every time I turn the light on or check the time. I also don't want my grandmother flashing him around in a frame with roses on it. That's creepy.
Also, when I wake up, I'd rather not have him staring at me on my pillow. The only use for that would be for him to soak up my drool.
Anyways, it's all crazy. But I've saved the best for last...
"Unless your Adam Lambert." Ummm... It's YOU'RE, my friend. Nice try, though.
Happy bidding, weirdos!
duuude! what de heck, i swear i was looking for adam lamberts performance of mad world for like an hour on youtube yesterday will you pleaseee try and find it, everything i found was just a bunch of moving pictures with his voice singing in the backround, freakin lame.
The easy way to find his work is search hulu dot com for him and you'll be good. Enjoy... and vote!
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