Thursday, January 22, 2015

my inspirational gallery wall

I'm so excited about this!

Last Christmas, my aunt gave me a couple canvases after seeing this on my Pinterest. 

I'll be honest, I forgot what the original inspiration was, but I just wanted something for my huge, bare wall behind my TV. Once she finished making a couple more, I think my living room is complete. [Well, as soon as I get a real couch and not this futon....]

Fun, right?! I love the colors and the variety. And people either love or hate my vase of sticks on the side, but I dig 'em. 

That little gray one is the only one she didn't make.

These pictures are very frustrating because I used a level to hang them for once in my life, and some are clearly a bit crooked when you look that close. Sigh. They're gonna stay that way. 

If you're wondering how she made them, she has a Silhouette Cameo machine that cuts out the stickers to put on the canvas. Awesome, right?! I feel like I'm going to want to look out for more to expand the wall even more or con my mom into making some. 

It's a nice reminder on a lazy day when I'm watching TV to get my ass up because while I'm lounging, someone else is doing something great. We can't have that. 


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